Access to Stations Leamington Spa & Warwick

Access to Stations Leamington Spa & Warwick

Description: Access to Stations works

Client/Employer: Warwickshire County Council

Project Value: £80k

Duration: 12 months

Detail: Installation of Equality Act compliant access ramp to Leamington Spa station entrance, way finding information, security fencing and CCTV modifications at the Grade II Listed Building of Leamington Spa station and Electric Vehicle Charge points at Warwick Parkway station. This infrastructure is part of a package of wider sustainable transport measures being implemented to improve access to and security at stations in Warwickshire.

Project Management responsibility from identifying the objectives and constraints through stakeholder management, securing consents required (Listed Building, Station Change & Landlords Consent), design management, procurement of supply chain, expediting throughout, inspection of the works and production of completion report.

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